Hi my name is Ariana! This is my story, on October 29th I decided to take a pregnancy test. I did not expect to be pregnant but I was late so I took the test. When the 3 minutes was was up I look down at test and my eyes grow and mouth drops it says “pregnant”. In that moment I felt excited, a little nervous, and for some reason I felt very peaceful. Then it all made since to me the crazy mood swings to my husband, the bloating, non stop eating or snacking. The middle of November comes around me and my husband head home for Thanksgiving. During the week leading up to it I noticed I was lightly spotting, during that time I did end up going to ER they said I am fine. The day after Thanksgiving, I notice my spotting getting more dark, dark brown I tried not to worry. I go to ER again they say I am fine they are questionable because they see no embryo. November 27th I go again because I just feel deep down something. When we are doing the ultrasound, for a quick second I see something I never seen and the doctor measures it. Then on November 28th a date that well be engraved in my mind forever. My mom, dad, 2 siblings, and my husband and I take a road trip that day to go to the NASA space center in Houston. Like any good road trip we stop at Buccees, once we enter I am heading to get a drink but as soon as I get there I feel like I got my period and I knew it wasn’t. I run to the bathroom and I look down and felt numb. I new I was miscarrying. Like the stubborn girl I am I decided to continue on with the road trip. Throughout the day the bleeding was getting heavier and I started to cramp towards the end of the tour I went to bathroom and new it was time to head home. On the way back to our house I started to bleed profusely, the cramping grew intense, I felt like throwing up. We stopped at Buccees again I ended up getting change of clothes and sitting on the toilet for what felt for hours but was only 20 minutes. The bleeding wouldn’t stop, in that moment I felt nothing but shock and numb. I didn’t understand why this was happening to me, all I could do was ask why me, what did I do wrong, is the world mad at me for something I did. I had an amazing support at home but deep down I felt alone. Now it’s been almost 2 months and not a day goes by that I don’t think about it and how far along I would be today. It hurts every day but I am learning to grieve and I’ve learned it’s okay for me to feel what I feel. I don’t need to be strong for my work, myself, or anyone. Thank you for listening and I pray for everyone who is/has experienced this.